Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli

Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli

via Fra Giovanni Angelico 49
Firenze, Italy 50121

+39 055216835

Joined June 7, 2023

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About this seller

La Libreria Antiquaria Gonnelli è una delle più antiche e storiche librerie antiquarie d'Italia, fondata a Firenze nel 1875 dal capostipite Luigi Gonnelli. Giunta alla quarta generazione familiare, dal 2000 la libreria è gestita da Marco Manetti (nipote di Luigi Gonnelli), coadiuvato da uno staff di validi collaboratori. La libreria Gonnelli si occupa di libri antichi e rari, stampe, mappe, disegni, manoscritti dal XV al XX secolo. di varie discipline e argomenti. Organizza anche aste specializzate di libri, manoscritti, arte antica, moderna e contemporanea. Gonnelli si rivolge bibliofili e collezionisti d arte, ma anche ad occasionali acquirenti alla ricerca di un regalo orginale per tutte le tasche.

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Association Member

Members of these associations are committed to maintaining the highest standards. They vouch for the authenticity of all items offered for sale. They provide expert and detailed descriptions, disclose all significant defects and/or restorations, provide clear and accurate pricing, and operate with fairness and honesty during the purchase experience.

Terms of Sale


All prices are in Euro. Books are guaranteed complete against defects, except those noted, and are not sent on approval. English descriptions can be supplied upon request.
10% discount to ILAB-LILA members. Shipment by insured Courier.


1.I libri e le stampe sono garantiti completi e senza difetti, salvo indicazione contraria.
2.Non s'inviano beni in visione.
3.I prezzi sono in Euro, I.V.A. inclusa. Sconto del 10% ai colleghi Soci A.L.A.I./L.I.L.A.

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Shipping Terms


expenses are on customer's charge, to define time by time. Insurance is included.

According to the italian regulation, for goods older than 70 years you are required to ask for an export licence that we will forward to you if you so wish. **

  • the request for the export licence on your behalf is a free service that our bookhop offers to its Foreign Customers;
  • the Export Office of the Ministry of Cultural Heritage will take at least 40 days to release the necessary licences;
  • Once we have obtained the permits we'll ship the goods (by insured Courier)